Whiskey Mixology

Manhattan vs Old Fashioned – The Classic Whisky Cocktails

The Manhattan and the Old Fashioned: two of the most well-known cocktails in the world. Walk into any bar and you’ll be able to order one without thinking twice.

But what really is the difference? Whether you’re looking for a solid go-to cocktail or just curious about the difference, get ready to explore two of the most classic whisky cocktails. 

Main Differences Between Manhattan vs Old Fashioned?

main differences between Manhattan vs Old Fashioned are:

  • Manhattan is made with Sweet
    Vermouth, whereas Old Fashioned is made with sugar.
  • Manhattan is a dry cocktail with
    savory notes, whereas Old Fashioned is a sweet cocktail.
  • Manhattan is served in a

Manhattan vs Old Fashioned – The Classic Whisky Cocktails Continue Reading

Fireball Whisky Review + The Best Fireball Cocktails for Every Season

Fireball: the cinnamon whisky that reportedly “Tastes like heaven. Burns like hell.” In fact, it does neither of those things. 

When and why you should buy Fireball is debatable. But if you do happen to find yourself saddled with a bottle, at least you can mix it in a cocktail!

(Seriously, look below for some extra yummy cocktails! But I don’t recommend sipping Fireball on the rocks while relaxing by the fireside.)

Quick Review of Fireball

  • Cinnamon flavored whisky good for mixing

Fireball Whisky Review + The Best Fireball Cocktails for Every Season Continue Reading